Database Penetration Testing

Database Penetration Testing is integral to a systematic and proactive approach to database security. This form of penetration testing reduces the risk associated with both web and database-specific attacks and is often required for compliance with relevant standards, laws & regulations.


PCS database penetration testing delivers a documented, in-depth analysis of the current security posture of existing relational databases. Our report contains technical recommendations to be actioned by database administrators, and help for Security Managers, Auditors, Compliance Officers and Senior Management to make informed decisions to maximise security spend.

PCS experts will focus on:

PCS expert penetration testing team will simulate an attack in the same way a hacker would to attempt access into your database. This is achieved by using industry best practice methodologies, by identifying access points and by providing guidance on how to lock down your database in the event of a real attack.


Abuse excessive privileges


Unauthorized privilege elevation


Platform vulnerabilities


SQL injection


Weak audit


Database protocol vulnerabilities


Weak authentication


Exposure of backup data

Benefits To You

A database penetration testing is indispensable, if you rely on the security of the data kept within your databases; else you have concerns relating to security compliance. Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of reported cases of data repositories being targeted or compromised. Plus, the reputational damage can have a more significant impact, and be more challenging to re-establish, than business loss.


Protection of intellectual property


Protection of brand reputation


Business continuity: Until breach is resolved, businesses cannot continue to operate


Avoidance of fines or penalties for non-compliance


Zero costs of repairing breaches and notifying customers

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