Internal Penetration Testing

Internal network penetration testing simulates attacks on the systems or network(s) from within the organization. PCS assumes the role of a malicious insider, with a certain level of legitimate access to the internal network. Attacks are carried from within the internal corporate network and we simulate threats caused by a rogue employee, a malware infestation, casual internal hackers, and dedicated thieves that have penetrated your physical or corporate security and now are hacking you from the inside and are trying to get access to specific valuable information or resources your company possesses.


PCS highly experienced consultants put your internal security controls to the test. Conducting zero, partial, or full knowledge assessments, we emulate the actions of attackers that have gained a foothold in your network uncovering vulnerable systems, pathways, and data at risk.

Internal Penetration Testing methodology

Internal penetration testing is a crucial component of any organization’s security strategy. It involves simulating attacks on a company’s internal network and systems to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. The methodology for internal penetration testing typically involves several steps:


Determining the scope of testing


Enumeration of servers and other devices


Mapping and service identification


Vulnerability analysis




Escalation of privileges



Benefits to You

Internal penetration testing can help save time and money in the long run by identifying and mitigating security risks before they result in a costly data breach or other security incident. By investing in regular internal penetration testing, companies can protect their reputation, avoid financial losses, and maintain the trust of their customers and partners.


Identify weaknesses in your network achitecture.


Identify potential exploits into critical systems.


Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards


Helps companies implement robust security controls, policies, and procedures


Demonstrates the organization's commitment to protecting sensitive information


Helps businesses to avoid financial losses and maintain the trust of their customers and partners

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